
Characteristics of relatives with high expressed emotion and related ...

Relatives with high EE typically experience higher levels of stress, which may stem from burdensome, intimacy, and emotional reactions to the ...

High-expressed emotion

A “high level of expressed emotion level within a family” is not a diagnosis but is categorized as another problem that may be the focus of seeking therapeutic ...

Expressed emotion

Family members with high expressed emotion are hostile, very critical and not tolerant of the patient. They feel like they are helping by having this attitude. ... History · High expressed emotion · Interventions · Validity

Expressed Emotion in the Family: A Meta

High Expressed Emotion (HEE) has been identified as a risk factor for the exacerbation and course of mental illness.

High level of expressed emotions in the family of people with ...

High expressed emotion (EE) in a patient's family is a known risk factor of relapse in schizophrenia. The three components of high EE ...

Expressed Emotion in the Family: A Meta-Analytic Review ...

Our findings highlight EE as a potential mechanism for attributing the transgenerational transmission of mental disorders.

Expressed Emotion Schizophrenia

“Families with high expressed emotion tend to exhibit high levels of hostility, over-involvement, and criticism toward the patient,” says ...

High Expressed Emotion and Warmth among Families of Patients ...

The term “high expressed emotion (high EE)” is used to describe families whose members express themselves towards patients with a high level of criticism (CC), ...

[DOC] 'High Expressed Emotion' and Psychosis

'High Expressed Emotion' refers to high levels of emotion expressed specifically towards the individual or within the family context. ​ Why is it to ...


RelativeswithhighEEtypicallyexperiencehigherlevelsofstress,whichmaystemfromburdensome,intimacy,andemotionalreactionstothe ...,A“highlevelofexpressedemotionlevelwithinafamily”isnotadiagnosisbutiscategorizedasanotherproblemthatmaybethefocusofseekingtherapeutic ...,Familymemberswithhighexpressedemotionarehostile,verycriticalandnottolerantofthepatient.Theyfeelliketheyarehelpingbyhavingthisattitude...
